Drones and Photography
I’m a nerd. I absolutely love technology and all the new innovations that have been coming along recently. One in particular I have been paying attention to, and wanted to Continue Reading →
Tips for Sensational Sunsets
Sunsets are a very popular subject for many photographers. The colors in the sky, given the right weather conditions, can be one of nature’s most captivating shows. Capturing those colors Continue Reading →
Nature Photography: Five Tips For Great Photos That Sell. by Andrew Goodall
Nature photography is increasingly popular, and digital cameras allow anyone to give it a try. There are so many nature photographers out there these days, it is a real challenge Continue Reading →
Want to remember something? Don’t take a photo.
Research shows, when taking photos you remember less of the experience you are photographing, with one exception. http://zite.to/1bOgNfT
5 Resources for Getting Sharper and Clearer Photos
Nothing is worse than taking what you think is the most fantastic photo you can imagine, and getting home, loading it on your PC, and it’s either a little soft, Continue Reading →
Does Luck Make the Shot?
What part does luck play in getting that one special picture? Being in the right place at the right time, when all the elements of that special shot come together, Continue Reading →
Cemetery at Night 3
Another shot from the Cooperstown cemetery. You can see some of the shadows cast by the light on the nearby building. The tree in the foreground is the perfect tree Continue Reading →